A little while ago I was put in contact with a lady looking for teachers for her new yoga studio. I have been running classes in both Stowmarket and Colchester as some of you will know for a couple of months now at community centres and church halls. But of course I jumped at the chance to possibly teach at a purpose built studio only half an hour from me in the beautiful village of Framlingham!

I went to meet Lizzie one morning when my girls were all at school. I went to see the studio.  I could see the potential of it straight away. Then we went for a coffee round the corner. You know when you meet someone and you feel like they are a friend you have always had! Lizzie and I had a wonderful chat and she invited my children and myself to a photo shoot she was having for the studio website!

Fast forward to last week and my girls and I turned up for the photo shoot. We were made to feel so welcome – there was a big table full of snacks, colouring in for the kids and lush coffee. The girls took part in a kids’ yoga session run by the wonderful Louise of Tree frog yoga! (link below) which was photographed by the incredible Wendy and Tim from ‘What associates’. The sun shone through the studio windows,  seemingly just for us.  It was amazing!

We then did a little shoot of a few yoga poses that I was ‘teaching’ and a few bare foot shots with some gorgeous bare foot sandals.

Lizzie and her husband have a way of making everyone feel wonderful, valued and special. So much love, hard work, and attention to detail has gone in to everything. And because of this, I know, her studio ‘Matspace’  will be an amazing place to teach and practise! I for one can’t wait!


Matspace instagram @matspace_framlingham

Photoshoot by @whatassociates

Kids yoga by @treefrogyoga

Author: Hannah Harris

Hannah Harris – founder of Yoga in the Earth

Helping you find calm in your busy day!